With many thanks to James Mercer (Guild member – Swanage based) for his immaculate organisation, members and friends enjoyed a most worthwhile excursion around several Isle of Purbeck towers. We took in glorious scenery on the way and a fine lunch in the sun in the Fox Inn garden, Corfe Castle. We rang at Kingston (10), Corfe Castle (6), Swanage (8), Worth Matravers (6) and finished at Wareham (10). The ringing was of a good standard generally with Grandsire Caters and Little Bob Royal rung well on the 10s—we were less successful with Stedman…. Double Norwich and Stedman Triples went well at Swanage and good surprise minor and doubles rung on the 6s.
A disappointment at Wareham was the tenor rope slipping the wheel and we were reduced to ringing on 9. However, the Guild is never to be daunted. We still managed caters and a full nicely struck course of Purbeck Surprise Major. The latter we must confess was by chance and not forward planning given that an eagle eye spotted the ringing room curtains had Purbeck Surprise Major embroidered on them! Close inspection of the pattern showed this to be an easy Superlative variation…so we proceeded…the rest is history.
A great and enjoyable day out in excellent company.